Blog about nails, manicures, nail polishes, stamping, etc., but also about other things that make my life rich

January 19, 2012

Day 25. Inspired by fashion: Louboutin mani

I've seen girls doing Louboutin mani but I never considered doing it myself because my nails were never long enough. But they're finally doing better now so I gave it a try.

I started with two coats of Deborah 161 beneath the nail and then I did one coat of Manhattan's black on top of the nail. The result wasn't that well, as I saw later.

The red isn't all that visible because it's too dark. I should have painted some white polish underneath it to reduce the dullnes of black polish.

I tried to take a photo of the mani as best as I could, but I'm not satisfied. Here it is anyway.

The red is most visible on the last photo, so I put it altough it is blurry.



  1. Its very good,and i think it is the right shade of red,I like it:)

  2. I can't wait for my nails to grow out enough to do this. I love it.

  3. meni se baš sviđa, super posao :-D
    kladim se da prije godinu dana nisi ni sanjala da ćeš imat ovakvu manikuru ;-)

  4. This is a super cool idea!!! My nails aren't long enough but I am loving this idea!

  5. I love this! I'm going to try painting the underside of my nails. I've thought about it since they're not very pretty underneath and they are very long now. this looks awesome!!

  6. dobro je ispala iako je mozda mogla bit malo svijetlija crvena, bar po fotkama. ja dok sam imala duze nokte stalno sam razmisljala da bi je mogla napravit, ali svaki put kad bi se sjetila skidanja bi odustala
